Thursday, August 28, 2008

Evaluation and Humourous Speech Contest 27.08.2008

It was our club's evaluation and humorous speech contest yesterday and the result is as follows:-

Evaluation Speech Contest:-

Champion : Norman Chin
1st Runner Up : Alice Kok =)

Humorous Speech Contest:-

Champion : Amy Hiew with her speech title "The Evil Wind"

I am sorry to say you've missed the fun of this speech.

The contestants for the speech contest were:-

1. TM Cheong Sung Yan (Evaluation)

2. ACB, CL President Norman (Evaluation and Humorous)

3. CL Amy Hiew (Evaluation & Humorous)

4. CC Alice Kok (Evaluation)

Congratulations to TM Shane as he was so courageous to be the test speaker for the contest, good for you Shane! Same goes to CL Ling How Kee for being the Organizing Chair for this contest despite a busy schedule at work and at home , you've done a good job and thank you!

Last but not least, a BIG thank you to all who have helped taken up roles as the timer, SAA, counter, judges, chief judge and members who have showed up to show your support! Thanks!!

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