Friday, June 26, 2009

Last Training Meeting of the term 2008/2009

May 25th, 2009... Last training meeting for the term 2008/2009.

Incoming President, CC Amy Hiew couldn't wait for her term and decided to chair the meeting herself!!!

See, How happy was our incoming president!

and look what has happened to our outgoing President....

No face see people.....

(Actually, my colleagues were in indirect contact with a H1N1 carrier earlier... just pure precaution!).

This was our guest (cum potential member) Chong Chan Yau...

New Member #1 for Amy's term?

Though the meeting was only attended by a handful of members, the meeting quality was not compromised with the quantity. We had Table Topics, Speech by Datuk Hassan and Humour by the famous invited presentation by "Ong Swee Keat".

Toastmaster of the evening JR Chia has done a marvelous job....

And this was my favorite part:

Winner of a telescope for the best Table Topics Speaker, Telescope was sponsored by Table Topics Master Ling How Kee....
and the winner is: ME!
Congratulation to ME!
Next training meeting falls on 9th July. Please come to listen to President Amy's Inaugural Speech.
Toastmaster of the evening will be the "oversea buddha" Immediate Past President Norman Chin.
Please come to support and take up roles.
For the last time, "with Courage we Conquer"
the oversea buddha.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Vision and Mission

What’s your “vision and mission” in life? Millionaire?

Do you agree that anybody can earn millions of dollars and still be a jerk. Wealth should not be the ultimate tool to measure one’s success.

After listening to Shane’s speech last night titled “My journey”, I know I am on the right track to achieving my “mission & vision”.

So, “what’s your vision and mission?”, you might ask.

Some of you may remember that I went to Gold Coast to attend a seminar 3 years back. And I seldom share with you all what the seminar was about.

The seminar “Date with Destiny” was a great, exciting and fulfilling one, in the seminar we were required to set our “purpose of life”.

And I am glad to share with you today, about my “purpose”::

“The purpose of my life, is to be colorful, enjoy freedom, and do enlightenment to myself and others” ~ Norm’C

Last night, when CC Shane Ho highlighted in his speech that, I… yes, is me, have “enlightened” him in my post which has inspired him to continue with his advanced communicator journey, I was so touched.

I am honored by Shane's statement, knowing that I have achieved a milestone in my journey of life. “To inspire others and be inspired in return”. The feeling is like striking a lottery ticket (for a RM 200 consolation prize).

Learning, is a life long journey. Congratulations to all of you who have decided to continue with the Advance Communication Manual and let’s vision our success in achieving DTM status in time to come.

It’s my honor to be able to serve you all!

Sandakan Toastmasters Club

EXCO elected 2009/2010

Congratulations to the EXCO team 2009/2010. The list is as follows:

President : Amy Hiew Yen Mie
VP Education : Alice Kok Ai Lee
VP Membership : Ling How Kee
VP Public Relations : Shane Ho Tshun Wei
Secretary : Wong Kah Yun
Treasurer : Winnie Lee
Seargeant At Arms : Jimmy Leong
Committee Member : J.R. Chia
Liew Kuin Fon
Cheong Sung Yan
Henry Nok
Auditor : Margaret Liew
Ha Cheun Hoo
Bulletin Editor : Norman Chin
Dusun Chong
Immediate Past President : Norman Chin

Look forward to the new term under the leadership of President elect ~ Amy Hiew!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Newly weds!

Our heartiest congratulations to the ex-VPE Janet Chin and her husband Mr. Shin.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Training Meeting on 28th May 2009

The training meeting at Mark's Lodge, 7pm 28th May:

Word of the day = Sagacious

and our TME was **** 3 bulbs and 1 chair ******* (pronounce in Cantonese)

Competent Leader Amy Hiew

Group photo:

For the night, there were 3 speeches:
CL Amy Hiew talked about Counterfeit Notes in China,

and Toastmaster Alex Yong spoke about the latest Gadget in town, and "The Hot Chilli" Toastmaster Lily introduced herself to the members through her ice breaker speech.

Sung Siew Teachers and Student were also here trying to learn the "tricks" to run the Sung Siew Gavel Club.
They even recorded the session.....

VPM Cheong Sung Yan inducted new member TM Lily Chin

VPE Amy Hiew presented her award to CC Shane Ho for his education goal achievement.

Till then, next meeting falls on 11th June 2009, same time, same place.