Friday, December 19, 2008

Fa la la la la....~

Yeah, it's the holiday season now and we had an outdoor meeting cum pot luck dinner at VPM Cheong S.Y.'s house last night and boy, it was an awesome night! As our President said and i quote " ....we have to organize meeting cum free food to motivate members, to stimulate attendance...." Guess what, even some of our long lost members were here last night, spot them in the photos. (Don't misunderstand my meaning, they are always welcome to any meeting, anywhere, anytime.)

The meeting started at 7:30pm and Amy was the Rudolph TME in red~ President Norman was kind enough to provide us with the little Santa hat to increase the Christmas mood! I have to say last night's meeting was the shortest meeting i have ever attended, in 1 hour's time, we had our table topics session, 2 speeches and evaluation done. Looks like toastmasters are really efficient in time management, especially when there's food waiting~

Last night's dinner was sumptuous with members' variety of food, to name a few, Lily brought her famous "fish mow curry", Datin Grace brought some healthy coleslaw as our appetizer, Luna (yes Luna is back!) brought some fried mee, Datin Nuri brought some delicious Rendang, Amy brought us dessert and fried meehoon and we also had some sausages, satay and fruits. Our host, VPM Cheong S.Y., besides supplying us with endless flow of red wine and soft drink, he also prepared some salted chicken where i havent get the chance to try a piece of it and it's already gone, can you imagine how nice the chicken was? Or how hungry they were?

I would say this gathering was a success yet heart warming, where we could really foster bond among members by digging in topics other than general matters, in such gathering, we talked about family, kids, hobbies and us ladies shared our secret recipes with each other. Also, in such gathering, we got to see something that could not be seen everyday, or rather we got to know the other side of oneself. For example, Dusun is always potrayed as "a masculine man" in terms of his hectic schedule, his high profile job and leadership, who will ever thought of a "feminine" side of him? Have a sweet~

Heart warming? Yeah i know it's.

Well, before i sign off, would you like to guess who's so festive down to the legs?

Merry Christmas!!

p.s. You can click here for more photos.

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