Sunday, October 24, 2010

Training Meeting 21st October 2010

It was the first training meeting in the month of October 2010. Although there were only 10 members attended, the meeting must go on...

CC Shane Ho, who would be achieving the Competent Leader award towards the end of the meeting, was the Toastmasters of the Evening.

He warmed up the audience by telling his own experience as a test speaker during the Division K Evaluation Speech Contest in Tawau.

Moving on... the Word Master of that meeting, TM Laurence Dumling, introduced the word assiduous, which means showing constant and careful attention. All the members were being assiduous in using the word during the training meeting.

The Table Topic Master of the meeting was none other that Area K2 Governor, ACS Norman Chin. He gave out easy questions such as:-

1) What is your hobby?
2) What is the activity you enjoy most?
3) Who do you admire most and why?
4) What is your personality?
5) Tell us about your strength.
6) What is your weakness?

As easy as the questions look, members seem to have a little bit difficulty in answering those easy questions. In the end , they still managed to answer them in the time allocated. WELL DONE!!! Besides that, everyone get to know more about others because the questions concern on themselves.

However, ACS Norman Chin did throw some hard questions such as:-

1) How can your hobby turn into opportunites?
2) How does your personality make who you are today?

And some members thought they could get away with easy questions... Nice one Area K2 Governor. Some were deceived...

ACS Norman Chin made a confession on that night.....


Want to know what confession was that?...


NOT TELLING!!! Ahahahaha....

Nah... it's just that he was not like his usual self in the morning. He felt not motivated. However, after he attended the training meeting on that night, he was back to his usual self again...


There were three speakers during that night. The first speaker was ACS Norman Chin who was doing his ACG 1 project with his speech title Great Loss.

There he was.. sitting comfortably at the little round table...

He presented a radio news on the the tragic incident of YB EdmundChong. It was a "Great Loss" indeed. May his soul rest in peace.

The second speech was presented by DTM Datuk Hassan on Get to the Point. On his speech, he emphasized on the important elements in presenting a speech.

"What do you want people to do after you deliver your speech?" - One of the important elements.

KISS - Keep It Short & Simple - Another important element.

Yup... The speech must "kissable"... MUAKS...

The last speech of the night was presented by TM Laurence Dumling on I Cut, I Cook, I Serve. She was doing her CC 4 project.

Well, the members were being deceived once again by her title, thinking that she would talk about food stuff.

But no.....

She applied the chef's daily routines to her daily work at school, how she educates the students. Through her speech, everyone knows that she is a very dedicated teacher...

After the three inspiring speeches, the members were humoured with some funny stories by the Humour Master, CC Vannessa Lim. All the stories had moral values and the members were humorously educated.

Here is one of the funny stories...

A sales representative, an administration clerk and a manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a genie comes out. The genie says,' I'll give each of you just one wish.'
'Me first! Me first!' says the admistration clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speed boat, without a care in the world.' Puff! She's gone.
'Me next! Me next!' says the sales representative. 'I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of food and with the love of my life.' Puff! He's gone.
'OK, you're up,' the genie says to the manager. The manager says,' I want those two back in the office after lunch.'

The members learnt a lot of moral values that night and would apply those values in their daily lives.

The next training meeting will be a little bit special because it's gonna be an outdoor Halloween theme training meeting.

Muahahaha... (*EVIL LAUGHTER*)