Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's Start Sharing!

Have you ever wonder how to promote our beloved club more? To sponsor members more? To help others to speak more? To help others to get promoted in their job more? Well, since I am your VPPR for this term, I just wanted to do a quick share with you all. The information from this post is taken from the Toastmasters International's website on the 17 ideas on how and where to promote Toastmasters and they are via:-

1. Newspaper
2. Electronic Media
3. Local Government
4. Chamber of Commerce
5. Libraries
6. Corporate Publication
7. Employee Orientation
8. "Welcome to the Community" Packets
9. University & Community College
10. High Schools
11. Community Events
12. Proclamations by Politician
13. Billboards
14. Offer Speechcraft and Youth Leadership Programs
15. Create Club Business Cards
16. Use TI Bumper Stickers & Mugs
17. Wear your Toastmasters Pins
(You can read more on it from this article)

I hope everyone has a few a idea on how to stretch our wings further in the city of nature, Sandakan. Let us hold our hand and explore all the possibility together for another half of this term and beyond.

If you have any great ideas and you would like to contribute to help expand our marketability to help others to grow... you are more than welcome to share with us and let's make Sandakan Toastmasters Club, a club of everybody choice. Till then... catch up with you next meeting same time, same place! Cheers...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sung Siew Gavel Club Installation

Hi everyone!! Is me... your VPPR, after missing from action. Luckily we got our lovely VPE, Alice to do the posting for me or else you will be missing a whole lots of fun. Now, is back to work... last Friday (6 Nov 2009) our very first Gavel Club in town has finally conducted the installation at Sandakan Hotel with smiles and thumbs up the whole night. They are the Sung Siew Gavel Club!! Sung Siew Secondary School was my former school - really proud of them. The whole installation was all fun, fun, fun, and more fun. What is the fun like? Well, we got talented singers, cool dancers, and even actors too.

I think I better stop writing and start showing you all the pictures instead, like I always said action pictures speak louder than words (sometimes). So, here it goes:-

The backdrop

Before the show starts... us with the teacher advisers

Group Photo

Donation to Sung Siew Gavel

The Members of Sandakan Toastmasters Club.... hmm.. someone is missing... where is Averil???

That's our VPE, Alice and Gavel's Secretary Kimberly

and that's me.. and the lovely President of Sung Siew Gavel Celestina

We were able to capture some nice videos too:-

(half way done... too bad memory run low)

What's next? Don't forget to come & support - see you on 12/11/09, same time, same place.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mailing List

Hello Members!

A brief update from Alice here.

I have added a feature in this blog called the "mailing list" where whenever there's an update in this blog, a notification will be sent to you. And how does this work? Easy, just key in your name and email address and you'll be probed to enter a code to verify your subscription (we want to make sure no prank subscription) and thereafter, you can enjoy the first hand news on the updates in this blog.

Easy? Let's do it now.

It's a little blue box at the right hand side -----> see it??