Saturday, May 23, 2009

Harvest-ed BBQ

Hi Everyone!

After a long hiatus and the beginning of a new term is around the corner, please allow me to announce that our very generous VPE Amy Hiew is organizing a BBQ at her residence to have some fun over the long weekend, detailed as:-

Date: 31 May 2009 (Sunday)

Time: About 7:00+ - (though the guys are urged to come early to help out =) )

You are also encouraged to contribute some desserts/drinks, anything that will cheer up the people. But most important of all, please bring along an empty stomach to help prevent any food from being wasted.

Yes, your gf/bf is allowed to tag along!

See you then!

p/s: There'll be some surprises that night

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sung Siew Gavel Club

Finally, after years of efforts and persistence by our founder and past president.... I am proud to present to you.....

*** drumming*******

Sung Siew Gavel Club

GaVeL ClUb = Toastmasters Club for students where their ages are below 18 years old. A Gavel club will have activities similar to a Toastmasters training meeting. i.e. Education Track & Leadership Track.

So far, Sung Siew Gavel Club has organised two training meetings even though they have yet to be formally installed.

It's my privilege to show you some of the photos taken during their recent training meeting:

Samantha Tan, VP Membership delivering her ice breaker

Jazmidah Rosle, VP Education delivering her ice breaker speech

Gavelier Kevin Lee delivering his evaluation remarks.

Gaveliers listening to the speech presentation.
I would like to thank all those who have contributed to make the Sung Siew Gavel Club possible. Thank you!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lily - Welcome to Sandakan Toastmasters Club

Training Meeting on 14th May 2009

Training meeting on 14th May was cozy, small number and nevertheless fun filled.

Work of the day = Exaggerate

Welcome to our new family member - Lily Chin

2 guests attended our Training meeting.

Guest 1 = Kenny

Guest 2 = Shakira

And Luna came back all the way from Australia and joined the meeting.

The Toastmaster of the evening = Amy Hiew

Birthday Babes in May : Lily and Kenny celebrating their 1 year old b'day (1 candle shared between the two of them).

Table Topics Master ACB Grace Chiu motivated us with this:

and it worked.... all members and guests received their share of Kit Kats by delivering very good impromptu speeches during the table topics session.
Even both of the guests spoke well on the topics: "all SALT (sorts) of people makes the world". Wonder how Kenny tackled this question?
Last but not least, General Evaluator CL Dusun Chong gave his comments on the meeting
Want to have fun with us?
Next Training meeting falls on 28th May 2009, 7:30pm @ Mark's Lodge.
Contact VPE Amy Hiew @ 0-8185418