One day a wealthy family man took his son on a trip to the country so he could have his son see how poor country people were.They stayed one day and one night in the farmhouse of a very humble farm.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
One day a wealthy family man took his son on a trip to the country so he could have his son see how poor country people were.They stayed one day and one night in the farmhouse of a very humble farm.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

25th October '07 Training Meeting.
P.S. We had 6 speakers on that night!

District 51 Semi annual convention.
Note: Fun & Fruitful
Question: So, what do you like about Toastmasters? :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Evaluation Contest:
1. TM Chu Ket Mee, TawauToastmasters Club
Humorous Speech Contest:
1. Dusun Chong, Sandakan Toastmasters Club
Members competing, All the best!! Remember, you are already a winner by competing alone!
A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a RM 100 note. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this RM 100 note?"
Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this RM 100 to one of you but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the note.
He then asked, "Who still wants it?"
Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.
He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.
"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still RM 100.
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
An invitation to deliver a presentation on Impromtu Speech during Sandakan Rotary meeting was gracefully accepted by Sandakan Toastmasters. On the day of the pre arranged affair, DTM Eleanor Wong, CL Dusun Chong, CL Anne Tan, CL Norman Chin, and TM Kenny Low represented the club.
Building rapport through luncheon
When everyone was pretty much done with their meals, Distinguished Toastmaster Eleanor began her presentation introducing Toastmasters Program and a brief introduction on what Impromtu Speech is all about.

DTM Elearnor (In Yellow) briefing about Toastmasters
At the end of the presentations, the Q & A session was open to the floor.

As a result of the whole affair, the Rotarians gain a healthy portion of knowledge on what Toastmasters is all about. As for the Toastmasters who went, well, they got free lunch!
Cheers to all!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Picture post.

Friday, October 12, 2007
Hosted by Toastmasters of the Evening, ACG Datuk Hassan, the meeting went on smoothly and

During tea break, members and guests had great time getting to know more about each other and also blew cake for October's babies, ACG Datuk Hassan and CL Anne Tan.

The speakers for last night's meeting was TM Melissa with her topic "Learn How To Feel Good" and ACG Datuk Hassan with "Signs of Effective Salesperson". Each completed project speech is a step closer to becoming a better speaker. Members, for the upteenth times, :) do your manual speeches.. CL Norman will award you a token of appreciation for every 3 speech projects completed.
At the end of the meeting, we had induction for ACB David Chong who joined us just this month, having shifted from Tawau Toastmasters to Sandakan Toastmasters after being transfered to work in Sukau. But it's more than that. Imagine having to travel from Sukau to Sandakan to attend training meeting every second and fourth Thursday of the month, got to salute him and Noor Azmi for that. Another member, TM Joe who also make it a point to travel from Lahad Datu to Sandakan just to attend meeting, cheers to him!

Of course, we also have the winner for best dressed; man and woman category which was won respectively by ACB David Chong and CL/' VPM Janet Chin. Congrats lovelies!

Kebaya Theme Training Meeting on 11th October 2007 will be posted soonest when I can get all the pictures of the beautiful people who simply make the world a better place...:)
Cheers and Happy Holiday!!
P.S. Tis' the season to be jolly and still keep a good watch on your diet. :)
Monday, October 8, 2007
Visiting the Lions on the Weekend

Snapshots from the Event - 07/10/2007
Travelogue- Tawau Trip on 6th November 2007

Thus the first collage showed US throughout the trip, having reached Tawau and proceed for high tea, and checking into Monano Dynasty hotel where we stayed for the night. If you notice one of the pictures, it showed some road construction in progress. So, just to share with you the conversation I had with Amy. :)
Amy: Ai ya!! That one also want to take
Melissa: Ya! So, we can show this pictures if we are late. (Road construction slows down the journey, get it?)
Amy: Hahahahaha..Good girl!
Well, while we were starving (a little bit of exaggeration here) from the lack of food throughout the journey, the rest who travelled separately and earlier (Grace, Luna, Mandy and daughter) were treated with delicious Kelantan Laksa prepared by Tawau TM, DTM Lee Chye Ewe.

The contest took place in Grace Inn at 7pm. Started with dinner sponsored by Datin Betty, member of Tawau Toastmasters. First up was the Speech Evaluation Contest. 4 contestant was up. All did well. So did the 4 contestants for Humorous Speech Contest. Of course, in a competition, one will always emerge the winner. This time around, it was ACG Datuk Hassan for evaluation contest and CL Dusun Chong for Humorous Speech. Congratulation to both of them as they make the club proud. Congratulation to the rest of the contestants for each is a winner by just participating alone. Below are snapshots throughout the competition.

And of course, after the whole contest, members from Sandakan and Tawau Toastmasters proceed for a fellowship supper in Hilltop. Again, we tried the recommended dishes which was actually good.. local sashimi, claypot porridge, dumplings, etc. Thank goodness this was only a one day trip or else I would have put on more pounds than intended.

Night ended and everyone head back to slumber land. We returned to Sandakan the next day.
I guess, that rounds up our travelogue for the weekend in Tawau.
On a side note. Here's a short story of how behind a successful man , is a strong and determine woman. So, Margaret decided to tag along with Dusun to Tawau so she could give full support to her husband. But Lo and Behold, a minor accident happened and she hurt her leg. Though in pain, she did not complain much. Dusun almost wanted to cancel the trip but Margaret was persistant that Dusun should go and compete and she will also go. True enough, Dusun won. Margaret was happy. Dusun was happy. Everyone was happy. :) Cheers to that!

Margaret showing her injured feet
Margaret standing beside Dusun, Humorous Speech Champion
Sweet..~! Signing off now.
TM Melissa.
P.S. Missing Tawau.
Madam President's Message to all..
Please join me to congratulate the champions for the Area-Level Evaluation and Humorous speech contests.
Evaluation speech contest :Champion :Datuk Hassan Alban Haji sandukong
:1st runner-up :Chu Ket Mee
Humorous speech contest: Champion : Dusun Chong Ket Vui ("Sleeping with someone")
1st runner-up : Lee Nyuk Moi ("My Goodness")
The champions will represent Area K2 for the DIVISION-LEVEL CONTEST to be held on 28th Oct, 2007 at KOTA PALACE HOTEL, KOTA KINABALU.
Fellow-members, do make an effort to give them your supports and your co-operation is greatly appreciated.
The semi-Division Convention will be held on :
Date: 27th &28th Oct, 2007.
Place: Kota Palace Hotel Kota Kinabalu.
Time: 7PM.
Members, who are interested, please kindly registered with VPE Norman Chin or me.
Thank you .
Yours in Toastmasters,
Grace Chiu CL
President 2007-2008.
P.S. Pictures coming up in the next post. :)
Friday, October 5, 2007

Ever saw a Karate Master break a wooden board with his bare hand? When he/she are able to break the wooden board, he/she will be promoted to Black Belt Karate Master.
In Toastmasters, you can also Break the Ice Board and be promoted to a Black Belt Toast-Master.
New members who haven't start embarking on your Competent Communication Track, I am going to give you another reason for doing it now.
For the first Black Belt Toast-Master who break the Ice Board this term, I will present you with a very special gift (May be a Waist Belt, black in colour?).
So, members who haven't break the ice (you know who you are), please come and enjoy the journey of Toastmastering!
Let's make a different! Not Next Year, Not Next Time, Not Later, but Make a different NOW!
Email me(, Call me (013-8633907) or SMS me to book your slot!
Norman Chin
Vice President Education

Delicious Home Cooked Food Prepared byMadam President, Datin Grace.
TM Melissa enjoying her food..Bon appetit..
After dinner, Madam president called the meeting to order at approximately 8.05pm . Thus, calling report from all her ex co. Throughout the meeting, matters being followed up in regards to current member counts, member's educational program, joint meeting plans, up coming conventions etc. and other matters as well. I guess like any other meetings, it is important to keep track of all this so that the term will run as planned. Meeting ended at approximately 9pm. And while the others went back, few stayed back to go for second round of the delicious home cooked meals. (Supper?) including myself.

Above, Luna was teaching How kee how to use the movie program while other stood aside interested to know as well. I was taking this picture while enjoying the Chicken Stewed (Portugal Style). : )
The 4th Exco Meeting will be held on Nov 1st, 2007. Time and Place yet to be confirmed.